
I’m Jill Allyn Peterson, founder of HØMEBØDY, the design studio for personal transformation. I created my signature method to help design lovers transform their lives by transforming the places where their energy lives, both internally and externally.

I believe that the more we’re aligned with our own creative energy, and the energy of the cosmos, the more capacity we have to create a better world for ourselves, family, friends and community.

You may know me from my graphic design studio, Visual Aid Society, from my years teaching design at Hostos Community College in the Bronx, or perhaps you were love-bombed by my sweet dogs Boba and Dakota, somewhere in the Green Mountains of Vermont, which I now call home.


My mission is to help you choose your own adventure by creating the most nurturing environment for your self-actualization through design thinking and energy healing.


I earned my masters degree in industrial design from the Rhode Island School of Design, am a certified Reiki master, a certified Feng Shui consultant and a certified hypnosis practitioner.

keep in touch

For somewhat regular dispatches from (well, let’s face it) my living room, sign up below. I’m renovating an 1800’s farm house, which is becoming the gorgeous laboratory for my own self-actualization. I share both practical and magical tips that arise from that labor of love.



diary of a hØmeBØDY

Astrology, Feng Shui, recipes and more…